Inside Cheech's Mind: Dress Sense.

24 November, 2006

Dress Sense.

Have you ever been asked what your style is? Here is an extract from one of my favourite movies "Enter the Dragon":

Set on an old Hong Kong Junk as they sail toward the Han's Island. With an Irish fighter trying to assert his dominance, and the man, Bruce being super cool!

Irish fighter: Whats your style?
Bruce Lee: My style?
IF: Yeah!
BL: The art of fighting, without fighting!
IF: art of fighting without fighting? show me.
BL: what here?
IF: Yeah.....
BL: don't you think we need more room?
IF: where then?
BL: On that island, we can take this boat.?

Then we see the fighter get on boat first and Bruce lets out the rope and wins the fight!!

Anyway don't know what the point of that is, but was thinking about dress sense and dress styles. What style do you have. And I was thinking that My style is unique. Currently most people see my style as being Linebreaks (full length tights) and shorts. Usually when i'm working out I will have my Linebreaks on and if not people say "hey whats going on? you ok?"

After the workout I'd just go out to eat with them on and walk around with no care in the world. This is usually followed by all the gawkers scoping me out, most likely thinking damn he looks sexy, but probably thinking "look at that knob".

But it seems that the trend is catching on. After our latest jog, Cherie seems to have joined the elite athletes class and got herself some linebreaks, and last night she wore them as we went for a jog ot the city. However this time I didn't bring them cause I had beach gear. So after we finished we walked around the city which wasn't too embarassing for her, but then we needed to eat. So we decided on the fine dining place of Coronations Hotel (nothing that fancy) But as we walked in, I was wearing my boardies and T-shirt, Cherie insisted that I go in first so people don't see her in the linebreaks. You could feel her embarassment building!

I agreed but as she walked in after, the eyes came a looking! Everyone was checking out this funny looking girl wearing shorts, training top and full length tights! Was pretty funny, especially when the place seemed a bit fancy for a pub. Now if only I took a picture!! No wonder she wanted to get out of dinner so quickly!!

One person converted leads me closer to my quest to get everyone in Linebreaks!! SPONSOR ME LINEBREAK!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL.. i don't recall anything of the sort.. or maybe i wiped it from my memory already :p
No photo = no proof!

11/27/2006 2:39 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

well at least you can say that linbreaks are slimming...

11/29/2006 1:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd definitely have to agree that Cheech has a "unique" style... very unique...

Don't worry Cherie, I've done the linebreaks and shorts look before too but there's no proof either!! ;)

I'll just deny too, except that I just admitted to it....

12/05/2006 10:44 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Cherie has fat but its all good fat...

12/14/2006 4:01 PM  

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